Give your cards in one second, in a single step. Your business cards are protected and not damaged in this card case. Eco-friendly : the packaging made from recycled materials is reusable. Do not disgard in trash.


  • materials: anodized aluminium
  • fits 15 business cards
  • weight: 35 gr

The Ögon story:

“Ögon Designs invented the concept of the smart wallet in 2004 and has continued to innovate ever since with a unique take on the traditional wallet. The arrival of Ögon on the leather goods market caused a mini-revolution. Being the very first designer wallet made with aluminum, the Stockholm model shook up the market. It is compact, light and its content is accessible in a glance. Modern and distinctive, the Stockholm card case rapidly became a best seller and has proved hugely successful.Perfect for men and women, the wallets are easy to find in a women’s handbag and fit perfectly in a man’s pocket.”